Sebuah Penantian

Ehm...ehm... mungkin inilah postingan pertama ku. Yah walaupun isinya belum 100% ori dari diriku, paling tidak aku telah memulai.

Setelah mendengar curhat dan menerima persetujuan akhirnya tulisan ini bisa ku posting. Sebuah kisah yang ku pikir memanglah masanya. Ia bercerita mengenai panantiannya terhadap seseorang. Ku baru tahu ternyata dia sedang menunggu. Ia yang kulihat diam ternyata sedang menunggu. Ia yang terlihat biasa ternyata sedang berharap. Inilah pelampiasannya dalam sebuah tulisan yang ku pikir memang inilah yang dirasannya.

I Believe that someone can fall in love at fiRst sight,though I told you that it wasn't possible.
I only hid this thought from you because I was afRaid that you would look at me as if I was caReless and Hasty.
To tell the truth, eveR since I met you.
I only lived with thoughts of you.
TheRe was only thing on my mind fRom when I woke up in the moRning to when I went to bed at night.
I Believe in you, I'll send All my feelings.
FoR you thRough the way I look at you.
Do you know How my heaRt feels,How I want to keep the feelings I have foR you hidden?
Even the feaRful feelings foR when you might leave me one day.
Love is a neRvous feeling that flutteRs youR heaRt.
Its like a BReath taking lonliness.
Please keep looking at me with the same eyes.
Always and foReveR like this.
If only you could stay close enough to me.
So that my heaRt can Relax.
Just so that I could see you.
I would be veRRy happy.
If I could stay by youR side like this.
If in the end,its that I don't know anything about how much I Love You.

Mungkin itulah konsekuensinya menjadi seorang wanita, selalu menunggu dan berharap timbal balik dari seorang lelaki.

Ku pikir tak ada salahnya sebagai wanita untuk berterus terang. Karena menurutku semua itu akan terlampiaskan jika maksud hati telah tersampaikan. Dan itu akan terasa lebih ringan jika terjadi suatu yang terburuk sekealipun.

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